How would you describe your emotional state during the lockdown in Melbourne in one word?

Two smiling figures stare off camera.

Research Assistant Amina discusses the upcoming Focus Group and Interviews with PlaceLab-er Luke at RMIT PlaceLab Melbourne. Image: RMIT PLaceLab

Two rounds of interviews were hosted at The Couch International Student Centre. The interviews were held in early November and facilitated by Research Assistant Amina and PlaceLab-ers Luke and Rachel.


The interview questions were informed by insights gained from the focus group held earlier in November. A total of nine former and current international students provided accounts of their COVID-19 lockdown experience in Melbourne and their recommendations for making Melbourne a more welcoming and inclusive city for international students.


Thank you to the participants for sharing your experiences and recommendations during the interviews. Your contributions will form a key part of this important project’s outcomes.


Thank you to Riyadh and the entire staff at the Couch for their assistance and hospitality! Don’t forget to Drop in to The Couch, 6pm to 8.30pm, Monday to Thursday at 69 Bourke St, Melbourne.