The Melbourne Workshop for the In The Mood Project was co-facilitated by Larissa Hjorth.

Professor Larissa Hjorth

Distinguished Professor Larissa Hjorth is a digital ethnographer and socially-engaged artist School of Media & Communication at RMIT. From 2023 she will be an Australian Research Council Future Fellow examining grief in media. Hjorth has two decades experience leading mobile media projects to explore innovative methods around intergenerational connection, intimacy, games, play, loss and death in the Asia-Pacific region (Japan, South Korea, China and Australia). Hjorth has also worked extensively on how mobile media is used for grief, loss and recovery – including the Fukushima disaster (2011), Queensland floods (2011) and Australian bushfires (2020). She is passionate about creative, inventive and playful methods for community engagement, communication science and research translation.

Hjorth has over 150 publications on the topic as well as non-traditional outputs like exhibitions. In 2020, Hjorth was named one of the top 40 lifetime researchers by The Australian – this was equated by h-index (42 [citation matrix]) over the course of a career. Hjorth has a strong track record in research grant leadership and has received over $4 million in grants in Australia and internationally including 3 ARC LP s, 2DPs and Australian Council for the Arts New Media fellowship. Hjorth has extensive leadership experience including Deputy Dean of Research & Innovation (the School of Media & Communication) and Design & Creative Practice ECP Platform (2017-2022).