What’s the Mood of Brunswick?

In this workshop, we’re asking questions like: What’s the mood of the city? How might “mood” be used as a speculative tool to think about sustainable and resilient city design? How might a practice like “moodboarding” help citizens map Brunswick in ways that add creative, affective, textural ‘data’ for cities?
In this 2.5 hour workshop, we invite participants from various parts of the Moreland community to explore these questions with playful hands-on guided experiments. This workshop is the second of four workshops held in 2022 in a collaboration between DERC and RMIT’s new PlaceLab.
Please let us know if you would like to participate in a ‘Mapping Moods for Future Cities’ workshop, an initiative to explore how the maps of our cities might change if we included more affective information like moods.
RMIT PlaceLab Melbourne
By: Tuesday 28th September
Professor Annette Markham
Annette Markham is the academic lead on the ‘In the Mood’ Research Project.
She has extensive experience with conducting participatory workshops as part of arts-based interventions for social change. Annette is Professor within the School of Media and Communication and Co-Director of the Digital Ethnography Research Centre at RMIT University.
Mapping workshop is part of Professor Annette Markham’s larger RMIT PlaceLab Research Project on moodboarding as citizen social science method, which includes this workshop in Melbourne plus three other workshops in 2022 in Barcelona, Melbourne, and Ho Chi Minh City.
The ‘Mapping Moods for Future Cities – Brunswick’ Workshop is presented by RMIT PlaceLab and supported by RMIT’s Digital Ethnography Research Centre.
PlaceLab is an urban initiative designed to connect community and shape place.
DERC is an RMIT Centre using human-centred methods to understand how digital transformations impact individuals, relationships, and societies. | ||